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Research Data

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Ground-based observatories use multi-sensor observations to characterize cloud and precipitation properties. A challenge is how to design strategies to best use these observations to understand the atmosphere and evaluate atmospheric numerical prediction models. We have developed the Cloud resolving model Radar SIMulator (CR-SIM), which uses output from high-resolution atmospheric models to emulate multi-wavelength, zenith-pointing, and scanning radar observables and multi-sensor (multi-radar and radar-lidar) integrated products. Here, we publish configuration files used for radar simulations using CR-SIM and atmospheric simulation outputs from the Weather Research Forecasting (WRF) model, which were used as inputs for the radar simulations.


Details of the radar simulations and input model data are described in Oue, M., Kollias, P., Shapiro, A., Tatarevic, A., and Matsui, T.: Investigation of observational error sources in multi-Doppler-radar three-dimensional variational vertical air motion retrievals, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12, 1999-2018,, 2019.
