Content Submission Policy | Stony Brook University Libraries | Academic Commons

Content Submission Policy Introduction

Academic Commons, a service of Stony Brook University Libraries Center for Scholarly Communication, is an open access scholarly repository and publication platform designed to collect, preserve, and make accessible the scholarly and creative output of SBU faculty, students, and staff.

This document outlines policies and guidelines regarding the submission of content to Academic Commons including submission criteria, author and user rights, and procedures for removing posted content.


Academic Commons provides free open access to Stony Brook University scholarship and research. Academic Commons brings together the varied and diverse SBU scholarly output in one digital space, enabling the University to effectively promote the ideas produced by SBU scholars for the benefit of current and prospective students, current and prospective faculty, alumni, and researchers and scholars around the world.

The Collection

Currently, Academic Commons includes research and scholarship produced by faculty, schools, departments, and centers at Stony Brook University. In addition, Academic Commons will recognizes academic excellence by highlighting the work of graduate and undergraduate students at the University.

Collection development priorities include:

  1. original student research
  2. faculty scholarship, including gray literature (unpublished or in-process manuscripts), previously-published articles from scholarly journals, chapters in books, conference papers and select presentations
  3. faculty creative works including images, video, audio and other media
  4. Open text books and other open educational resources (OER) created by SBU faculty
  5. Stony Brook University-hosted conference and symposia proceedings, programs
  6. high-quality, open access peer-reviewed journals edited by Stony Brook University faculty and students

Author/Creator Rights

Authors who submit their content to Academic Commons retain the copyright to their work, unless they have explicitly signed it away in a copyright transfer agreement with a third party. University Libraries asks authors to grant a non-exclusive distribution license (license can be found as appendix), which allows the Library to distribute the work through the repository.

When submitting material to Academic Commons content owners will have the option to set conditions on the re-use of their materials by affixing a permission and copyright license statement, such as a Creative Commons License, to their work.

A user who shares copyrighted materials with other members of the Stony Brook University community or the general public affirms that s/he either owns the copyright to the published object or has obtained permission from the copyright owner to publish the material. Editorial

The Library reserves the right to accept or reject any content, in part or in whole, posted to Academic Commons.

Who We Are

Academic Commons is an initiative of the University Libraries Center for Scholarly Communication. Visit our websites to learn more about our work with faculty, students, and staff to increase the impact and utility of research and scholarship produced at Stony Brook University.

Contact us

The Center for Scholarly Communication team is available to assist you with all aspects of this process. For help, please contact Darren Chase, Head of the Center for Scholarly Communication.