"Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 04, Number 2 (Spring 1992)" by Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY



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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, Department of History


Wunderlich, Roger,Crease, Robert P. | Solomon, Geri | Witek, John Charles | Darby, Wendy Joy | Winter, Kate H. | Kestler, Frances Roe | Gordon, Edith L. | Booth, Antonia | Ziel, Ron 1939-2016 | Williams, Roger | Nelson, Gerald Brian | Naylor, Natalie A. | Burrows, Edwin G., 1943-. | Meldrum, Marcia | Studenroth, Zachery N.


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 137 / FEATURE ARTICLES: The History of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Part Two: The Haworth Years by Robert P. Crease - 138 / Fundamentals of Archives by Geri Solomon - 162 / The Lives and Identities of Shelter Island’s Native Americans by John Charles Witek - 173 / A Reading of Edward Lange’s Landscapes: Text and Context by Wendy Joy Darby - 185 / Whitman and Women: The Poet as Feminist by Kate H. Winter - 200 / John Steinbeck as a Long Islander by Frances Roe Kestler - 213 / The People and Their Schools by Edith L. Gordon - 225 / LOST AND FOUND: George Frederick Hummel of Southold: The Novelist as Social Historian by Antonia Booth - 242 / REVIEWS: Charles L. Sachs. The Blessed Isle: Hal B. Fullerton and His Image of Long Island, 1897-1927 by Ron Ziel - 252 / Natalie A. Naylor, ed. Exploring African-American History by Richard Williams - 254 / Kenneth M. Price. Whitman and Tradition: The Poet in His Century by Gerald Brian Nelson - 257 / Elly Shodell, ed. In the Service: Workers on the Grand Estates of Long Island, 1890’s-1940’s by Natalie Naylor - 259 / Jonathan Rieder. Canarsie: The Jews and Italians of Brooklyn against Liberalism by Edwin G. Burrows - 261 / Caroline Seabury. The Diary of Caroline Seabury, 1854-1863.Suzanne Bunkers, ed. by Marcia Meldrum - 263 / Matthew Bessel. Caumsett: The Home of Marshall Field III in Lloyd Harbor, New York by Zachery N. Studenroth - 265 / BOOK NOTES - 266 / COMMUNICATIONS - 268




Brookhaven National Laboratory -- History -- 20th century | Archives | Shelter Island (N.Y. : Town) -- History | Long Island (N.Y.) -- Poetry | Steinbeck, John,1902-1968 | Education -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Lange, Edward,1846-1912 | Whitman, Walt,1819-1892


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Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 04, Number 2 (Spring 1992)
