"Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 05, Number 2 (Spring 1993)" by Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY



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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, Department of History


Wunderlich, Roger,Osborn, David | Seyfried, Vincent F. | Sanjek, Roger, 1944- | Kroessler, Jeffrey A. | Kacher, Matthew | Kochiss, John M. | Taylor, Clarence | Elkind, Charlotte Woods | Garber, Elizabeth | Barnhart, Michael | Gobrecht, L.E. | Dunne, W. M. P. (William Matthew Patrick), 1934- | Weiss, Luise


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 131 / QUEENS COUNTY HISTORICAL CONFERENCE PAPERS - 1) Queens County and the Secession Crisis by David Osborn - 132 / 2) The Civil War in Queens County by Vincent F. Seyfried - 146 / 3) After Freedom in Newtown, Queens: African Americans and the Color Line, 1838-1899 by Roger Sanjek - 157 / 4) Baseball and the Blue Laws by Jeffrey A. Kroessler - 168 / 5) A Stadium for Flushing Meadows by Matthew Kachur - 178 / FEATURE ARTICLES: When Great South Bay Froze Over: Gleanings from the Baymen’s Oral History Group (Part II) by John M. Kochiss - 195 / The Formation and Development of Brooklyn’s Black Churches, from the Nineteenth to the Early Twentieth Century by Clarence Taylor - 209 / One Brooklyn Block: Population Characteristics and Change, 1880-1910 by Charlotte Woods Elkind - 229 / REVIEWS: Nina Federoff and David Botstein, eds. The Dynamic Genome: Barbara McClintock's Ideas on the Century of Genetics by Elizabeth Garber - 249 / Natalie A. Naylor, Douglas Brinkley, and John Allen Gable, eds. Theodore Roosevelt: Many-Sided American by Michael Barnhart - 251 / Robert B. MacKay, Stanley Lindvall and Carol Traynor, eds. An Architectural Guide to Nassau and Suffolk Counties, Long Island by L.E. Gobrecht - 254 / Robert Duifee’s Journal and Recollections of Newport, Rhode Island, Freetown, Massachusetts, New York City and Long Island, Jamaica and Cuba, West Indies and Saint Simons Island, Georgia, ca. 1785-1810. Edited by Virginia Steele Wood by W.M.P. Dunne - 255 / Patricia Hansell Sisler and Robert Sisler. The Seven Hills of Port by Luise Weiss - 257 / BOOK NOTES - 258




Queens County (N.Y.) -- History | African Americans -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- History


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Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 05, Number 2 (Spring 1993)
