"Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 13, Number 2 (Spring 2001)" by Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY



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Stony Brook University, Department of History, Stony Brook, NY


Wunderlich, Roger,Acritelli, Richard | O'Rourke, Hugh E. | Harmond, Richard P. | Naylor, Natalie A. | Allen, David Yehling | Ross, D. Reid | Squires, Charles E. | Young, Robert J. | Ranger, Michael B. | Francis, Jeremy | Granda, Carmen | McIlvaine, Heather R. | King, Hugh R. | Seybel, Roger | Cavaioli, Frank J. | Ruff, Joshua


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT / FEATURE ARTICLES: The Ordeal of Arnold A. Bocksel, A Long Island Soldier Taken Prisoner in World War II by Richard Acritelli - 142 / Nativist and Irish Riots in Brooklyn, 1854 by Hugh E. O’Rourke - 158 / Doing and Not Doing Long Island History: The Long Island Historians from Wood To Weeks by Richard P. Harmond - 174 / Reviving Long Island History: A Comparison of Two Updated Editions by Natalie A. Naylor - 184 / Long Island History on the World Wide Web by David Yehling Allen - 188 / Joris and Catalina Rapalje, The First Colonists in New Netherland by D. Reid Ross - 205 / The Origin, Rise, and Decline of the Long Island Branch of the Ranger Family by Charles E. Squires, Robert J. Young, and Michael B. Ranger - 219 / SECONDARY SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS: Religious Freedom Collides with AIDS Education in Public Schools: The Case of Ware V. The Valley Stream School District and the Commissioner of Education of the State of New York by Jeremy Francis - 233 / The Secret Success of Robert Townsend and The Setauket Spy Ring by Carmen Granda - 242 / David Frothingham’s Long Island Herald: 1791-1798 by Heather R. McIlvaine - 249 / REVIEWS - 254 / Tom Twomey. Exploring the Past: Writings from 1798 to 1896 Relating to the History of the Town of East Hampton by Hugh R. King / Harvey Aronson, ed. How Long Island Inspired America to Fly. Joshua Stoff. Transatlantic Flight: A Picture History 1873-1939 by Roger Seybel / Salvatore J. LaGumina. Images of America: Long Island Italians by Frank J. Cavaioli / Joan Gay Kent. Discovering Sands Point: Its History, Its People, Its Places by Natalie A. Naylor / Candace Ward, ed. New York City Museum Guide, 2nd Rev. ed. by Joshua Ruff / BOOK NOTES - 266




Long Island (N.Y.) -- History, Military | Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- History | Historians -- New York (State) | Historiography | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History -- 17th century | Long Island (N.Y.) -- Genealogy


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Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 13, Number 2 (Spring 2001)
