Geosciences Research Data | Department of Geosciences | Stony Brook University


Submissions from 2023


Precipitation recorded in the Turkana Basin from 2005 to 2022., Acacia Leakey, Greg Henkes, Mae Saslaw, and Dino Martins

Submissions from 2019


Particle size effects on mid-IR spectra of lunar analog minerals in a simulated lunar environment, Katherine Shirley and Timothy Glotch


Mid-Infrared Optical Constants of Labradorite, a Triclinic Plagioclase Mineral, Cheng Ye, Melinda J. Rucks, Jessica A. Arnold, and Timothy D. Glotch

Submissions from 2018


Microspectroscopic and Petrographic Comparison of Experimentally Shocked Albite, Andesine, and Bytownite, Steven Jaret, Jeffrey R. Johnson, Melissa Sims, Nicholas DiFrancesco, and Timothy D. Glotch


Spectral Properties of Chloride Salt-Bearing Assemblages: Implications for Detection Limits of Minor Phases in Chloride-Bearing Deposits on Mars, Cheng Ye and Timothy Glotch

Submissions from 2017


Changes in Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Quartz and Feldspars in Response to Impact Cratering, Steven Jaret

Submissions from 2016

Infrared and Raman Spectra of Organic-Bearing Shales, Timothy Glotch and Congcong Che

Submissions from 2013


Mid-IR Emissivity Spectra of Mg- and Ca- Carbonates, Oxides, and Hydroxides, Timothy Glotch