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Archean, Continental Crust, Crustal Evolution, Geochemistry, Planetary Crusts, Rare Earth Elements, Sedimentary Rocks


Graduates in geology, geochemistry and geophysics will find this book a valuable reference text. The book begins by describing the known composition of the present upper crust, then deals with possible compositions for the total crust and the inferred composition of the lower crust. The question of the uniformity of crustal composition throughout geological time is discussed, the rate of growth of the crust and the effects of extraction of the crust on mantle compositions are considered. Finally, the question of early pre-geological crusts on Earth is debated and comparisons are given with crusts on the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus and the Galilean Satellites. (From book cover)


ISBN 0-632-01148-3

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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