Konstantin K. Likharev
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Stony Brook University
Front Matter
Konstantin Likharev
Includes: Copyright and License; Preface; Disclaimer; Versions, Corrections, and Acknowledgments; Solution Request Templates; Notation; General Table of Contents
Part CM: Classical Mechanics
Konstantin Likharev
Includes: Review of Fundamentals; Lagrangian Formalism; A Few Simple Problems; Oscillations; From Oscillations to Waves; Rigid Body Motion; Deformations and Elasticity; Fluid Mechanics; Deterministic Chaos; A Bit More of Analytical Mechanics
Part EM: Classical Electrodynamics
Konstantin Likharev
Includes: Electric Charge Interaction; Charges and Conductors; Polarization of Dielectrics; DC Currents; Magnetism; Time-Dependent Electromagnetism; Electromagnetic Wave Propagation; Radiation, Scattering, Interference, and Diffraction; Special Relativity; Radiation by Relativistic Charges
Part QM: Quantum Mechanics
Konstantin Likharev
Includes: Introduction; 1D Wave Mechanics; Higher Dimensionality Effects; Bra-ket Formalism; Some Exactly Solvable Problems; Perturbation Theories; Open Quantum Systems; Multiparticle Systems; Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Mechanics; Making Sense of Quantum Mechanics
Part SM: Statistical Mechanics
Konstantin Likharev
Includes: Review of Thermodynamics; Principles of Physical Statistics; Ideal and Not-So-Ideal Gases; Phase Transitions; Fluctuations; Elements of Kinetics
References, Appendices & All Parts Merged
Konstantin Likharev
Includes: Appendix MA: Selected Mathematical Formulas; Appendix CA: Selected Physical Constants; References; EGP merged file (all parts, appendices, and references)