Department of Biomedical Engineering Faculty Publications | Department of Biomedical Engineering | Stony Brook University


Submissions from 2016


Aberrant DNA Methylation: Implications in Racial Health Disparity, Xuefeng Wang, Ping Ji, Yuanhao Zhang, Joseph F. LaComb, Xinyu Tian, Ellen Li, and Jennie L. Williams

Submissions from 2015


Does Reproductive Investment Decrease Telomere Length in Menidia menidia?, Jin Gao and Stephan B. Munch


Continual Cell Deformation Induced via Attachment to Oriented Fibers Enhances Fibroblast Cell Migration, Sisi Qin, Vincent Ricotta, Marcia Simon, Richard A. F. Clark, and Miriam Rafailovich

Submissions from 2013


Prostate Cancer Stem Cell-Targeted Efficacy of a New-Generation Taxoid, SBT-1214 and Novel Polyenolic Zinc-Binding Curcuminoid, CMC2.24, Galina I. Botchkina, Edison S. Zuniga, Rebecca H. Rowehl, Rosa Park, Rahuldev Bhalla, Agnieszka B. Bialkowska, Francis Johnson, Lorne M. Golbu, Yu Zhang, Iwao Ojima, and Kenneth R. Shroyer


Development of a Conditional Mesd (Mesoderm Development) Allele for Functional Analysis of the Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Family in Defined Tissues, Andrew V. Taibi, Janet K. Lighthouse, Richard C. Grady, Kenneth R. Shroyer, and Bernadette Holdener


Computational Optogenetics: Empirically-Derived Voltage- and Light-Sensitive Channelrhodopsin-2 Model, John C. Williams, Jianjin Xu, Zhongju Lu, Aleksandra Klimas, Xuxin Chen, Christina M. Ambrosi, Ira S. Cohen, and Emilia Entcheva