New York Journal of Student Affairs

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This article explores the college-choice processes of two college students who graduated high school from rural areas in New York State. Hossler and Gallagher’s (1987) three-stage model of the college-choice process was used as the theoretical framework for this study. To gain in-depth knowledge about students’ predisposition, search, and choice stages, narrative inquiry was employed. This article specifically highlights how dual enrollment courses played key roles within the college-choice processes of these students. These findings suggest that there is a need for additional education about college costs and dual enrollment programs for rural students and their families.
Recommended Citation
Cain, E. J. (2021). Rural Students' College Choice and the Impact of Dual Enrollment Programs and College Cost. New York Journal of Student Affairs, 21(1). Retrieved from
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Community College Leadership Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons