New York Journal of Student Affairs

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Working with college students often includes working with their parents and families. Higher education institutions across the US have addressed this cultural shift with the creation of parent and family services. As research illustrates continued relationships between students and their parents, student affairs practitioners will need to address this need. This article is a call for student affairs professionals to be creative and proactive when focusing on the future needs of parents and families of college students. Innovations for parent and family services, including the use of technology and the need for collaboration between on-campus departments, are shared.
Recommended Citation
Bridges, C., Heiman, S., Hyer, N., Radke, C., Wright, A., & Heiselt, A. (2011). Guiding Future Practices: A Review of Parent and Family Services. New York Journal of Student Affairs, 11(1). Retrieved from
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Community College Leadership Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons