New York Journal of Student Affairs

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Knowledge of political issues is vital to successful practice, yet there is a paucity of research on this dynamic in student affairs. This study was intended to provide information relevant to the preparation of new professionals and help practitioners negotiate the political dimensions of their work. A national survey of senior student affairs officers provided quantitative and qualitative data critical to the search for meaning in this important facet of administration. The findings provided clear evidence of the pervasive role of politics in policy and decision making, the need to understand the political nature of student affairs at all levels of administration and identified major sources of political activity.
Recommended Citation
Herdlein, R., Kretovics, M., Rossiter, C., & Sobczak, J. (2011). A Survey of Senior Student Affairs Officer Perceptions of the Role of Politics in Student Affairs Administration. New York Journal of Student Affairs, 11(1). Retrieved from