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Stony Brook University, Department of History, Stony Brook, NY
Wunderlich, Roger,Harmond, Richard P. | Post, Charles Johnson, 1873-1956 | Gordon, Judith A. | Gordon, Edith L. | Wunderlich, Roger | Shaw, Hank | Hamilton, Marsha L., 1961- | Horoski, Kimberly | Mockler, Kimberly | Cash, Floris Loretta Barnett | Welch, Richard F. | Smith, Edward | Sesso, Gloria | Hallock, Judith | Gennari, Christopher H.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT / FEATURE ARTICLES: The Spanish American War and Montauk Point: Introduction to Charles Johnson Post’s Memoir of Camp Wikoff by Richard P. Harmond - 139 / Montauk: A Chronicle of ‘98 by Charles Johnson Post - 143 / Suffolk County’s Commemoration of the Spanish American War by Judith A. Gordon - 159 / State of the Island: Councilmanic or At-Large Districts for Long Island Towns? by Edith L. Gordon - 163 / Lion Gardiner, Long Island’s Founding Father by Roger Wunderlich - 172 / The Many Lives of Sayville’s Lewis Noe by Hank Shaw - 186 / “Barren and Waste Land”: Long Islanders and the Pine Barrens by Marsha L. Hamilton - 207 / SECONDARY SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS: How Separation of Church and State Affects Children on Long Island by Kimberly Horoski - 222 / Blocker v. Manhasset Board of Education (1964): Long Island’s First Challenge to Public School Segregation by Kimberly Mockler - 227 / BOOK REVIEW ESSAY - 236: Lynda R. Day. Making a Way to Freedom: A History of African Americans on Long Island. Grania Bolton Marcus. A Forgotten People: Discovering the Black Experience in Suffolk County. Natalie A. Naylor, ed. Exploring African American History on Long Island and Beyond by Floris Barnett Cash / REVIEWS - 244: Robert Sisler and Patricia Sisler. Those Half-Thousand Great Ships Built in Port Jefferson. by Richard Welch / Ebenezer Miller. Diary of Ebenezer Miller of Miller Place, Long Island, New York, 1762-1768, transcription and footnotes by Margaret Davis Gass and Willis H. White by Edward Smith / Harry W. Havemeyer. Along the Great South Bay by Hank Shaw / Bevery Tyler. Discover Setauket, Brookhaven’s Original by Gloria Sesso / Horace Hallock, The Orphan Path: Journals of Horace Hallock 1819-1834. Compiled by Elizabeth M. Smith Doering. by Judith Hallock / Thinking and Writing: A Guide for College Students by Christopher Gennari
Montauk (N.Y.) -- History | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History, Military | Long Island (N.Y.) -- Geography | Gardiner, Lion,1599-1663 | Gardiner family | Gardiner’s Island (N.Y.) | Pine Barrens (Long Island, N.Y.) -- History | Noe, Lewis H., 1849-1931 | African Americans -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- History
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 10, Number 2 (Spring 1998)" (1998). Long Island Historical Journal. 9.