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Stony Brook University, Department of History, Stony Brook, NY


Wunderlich, Roger,Watson, Elizabeth L. | Hiltzik, Lee R. | Larocca, James L. | Densmore, Christopher | Cray, Jr., Robert E. | Dunne, W. M. P. (William Matthew Patrick), 1934- | Weigold, Marilyn E. | Miller, Wilbur R., 1944- | Cahn, Geoffrey S.,1947- | Pasquale, Elaine Anne | Koppelman, Lee E. | Ewen, Stuart | Stoff, Joshua | Seybel, Roger | Traynor, Carol A. | Ettenson, Paul


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 143 / FEATURE ARTICLES: Long Island Born and Bred: The Origin and Growth of the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory by Elizabeth L. Watson - 145 / The Director, The Laboratory, and The Genome Project: An Interview with James D. Watson by Lee R. Hiltzik - 163 / The State of the Island: Economy in Transition by James L. Larocca - 170 / The Samuel Bownas Case: Religious Toleration and the Independence of Juries in Colonial New York, 1703-1704 by Christopher Densmore - 177 / Anglicans in the Puritan Domain: Clergy and Laity in Eastern Long Island, 1693-1776 by Robert E. Cray, Jr. - 189 / “The Inglorious First of June”: Commodore Stephen Decatur on Long Island Sound, 1813 by W.M.P. Dunne - 201 / Long Island Sound: The Great Unifier by Marilyn E. Weigold - 221 / Moonshiners in Brooklyn: Federal Authority Confronts Urban Culture, 1869-1880 by Wilbur R. Miller - 234 / Rebirth, Struggle, and Revival: The Brooklyn Academy of Music, 1908-Present by Geoffrey S. Cahn - 251 / Migration from One Island to Another: The Story of Cubans on Long Island by Elaine Anne Pasquali - 265 / REVIEWS OF BOOKS: Joann P. Krieg, ed. Robert Moses: Single-Minded Genius by Lee E. Koppelman - 278 / Barbara Cohen, Steven Haller, and Seymour Schroth. Trylon & Perisphere: The 1939 World’s Fair, and Larry Zim, Mel Lerner, and Herbert Rolfes. The World of Tomorrow: The 1939 New York World’s Fair by Stuart Ewen - 280 / George C. Dade and Frank Strna. Picture History of Aviation on Long Island, 1908-1938 by Joshua Stoff - 284 / Joshua Stoff. The Aerospace Heritage of Long Island by Roger Seybel - 284 / Raymond E. Spinzia, Judith A. Spinzia, and Kathryn E. Spinzia. Long Island: A Guide to New York’s Nassau and Suffolk Counties by Carol Traynor - 286 / Joann P. Krieg. Long Island and Literature by Paul Ettenson - 287 / Frank Child and Frances Child. The Search for the Palestine by W.M.P. Dunne - 289 / BOOK NOTES - 289 / COMMUNICATIONS - 291



Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory | Watson, James D.,1928- | Economics -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Long Island Sound (N.Y. and Conn.) -- History | New York (State) -- Church history | Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- History | Long Island (N.Y.) -- Emigration and immigration


Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.







Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 02, Number 2 (Spring 1990)
