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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History
Forman, Seth,Bergman, Jonathan C. | Douglas, Leroy E. | Harris, Bradley L. | Silka, Henry P. | Haw, Richard, 1968- | Naylor, Natalie A. | Staudt, John G. | Singer, Alan | Strong, John A., 1935- | Forman, Seth | Harmond, Richard P. | Van Wie, Paul D. | Simon, Donald E. | Stone, Gaynell | Ball, Catherine | Wilbur, Garry A. | Howlett, Charles F. | Welch, Richard F. | Sandford, Ann H. | Weigold, Marilyn E. | Russell, Barbara M. | Burrows, Edwin G., 1943-. | Harrison, Helen A. (Helen Amy) | Nyitray, Kristen J.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - FEATURE ARTICLES: Moving In, Moving On: Lee Krasner’s Work in Jackson Pollock’s Studio by Helen A. Harrison - 1 / A New Deal for Disaster: The “Hurricane of 1938” and Federal Disaster Relief Operations, Suffolk County, New York by Jonathan C. Bergman - 15 / The Opening of Suffolk’s First Four Year College: Adelphi-Suffolk: 1959-1960 by Leroy E. Douglas - 40 / John E. Gee and the Early Trucking Industry on Long Island by Bradley L. Harris - 60 / Williamsburg, Brooklyn: The Home of the First Successful Commercial Submarine by Henry Silka - 71 / Bridging the East River: The History of an Idea, 1800-1867 by Richard Haw - 83 / CONFERENCE PAPERS: “From Captivity to Freedom: Long Island During the American Revolution” Introduction - 112 / Surviving the Ordeal: Long Island Women During the Revolutionary War by Natalie A. Naylor - 114 / From Wretchedness to Independence: Suffolk County in the American Revolution by John G. Staudt - 135 / Slavery in Colonial and Revolutionary New York: Complicity and Resistance by Alan Singer - 163 / BOOK REVIEWS: John Hanc with a foreword by Ed Lowe. Jones Beach: An Illustrated History by Paul D. Van Wie - 174 / Adrienne Onofri. Walking Brooklyn by Donald E. Simon - 175 / John R. Stevens. Dutch Vernacular Architecture in North America, 1630-1800 by Gaynell Stone - 176 / Brookhaven Voices, 1655-2005 by Catherine Ball - 178 / John M. Burns. Thunder At Sunrise: A History of the Vanderbilt Cup, the Grand Prize and the Indianapolis 500, 1904-1916 by Garry Wilbur - 179 / Raymond E. and Judith A. Spinzia. Long Island’s Prominent South Shore Families: Their Estates and Their Country Homes in the Towns of Babylon and Islip by Charles F. Howlett - 182 / Sara S. Gronim. Everyday Nature: Knowledge of the Natural World in Colonial New York by John G. Staudt - 185 / Dorothy Ingersoll Zaykowski, and the Members of the Committee for the Old Burying Ground. The Old Burying Ground at Sag Harbor New York by Richard F. Welch - 188 / John J. Head. With Brush and Bridle, Richard Newton, Jr. – Artist and Equestrian by Ann Sandford - 188 / Kerriann Flanagan Brosky. Ghosts of Long Island: Stories of the Paranormal by Marilyn E. Weigold - 190 / Daniel M. Hendrick. Jamaica Bay (Images of America) by Garry Wilbur - 194 / Ruth Crocker. Mrs. Russell Sage: Women’s Activism and Philanthropy in Gilded Age and Progressive Era America by Natalie A. Naylor - 197 / Geoffrey K. Fleming. St. James (Images of America) by Barbara M. Russell - 199 / Dean F. Failey. Long Island Is My Nation: The Decorative Arts and Craftsmen, 1640-1830 by Marilyn E. Weigold - 201 / Clement M. Healy. North Fork Cemeteries (Images of America) Clement M. Healy. South Fork Cemeteries (Images of America) by Gaynell Stone - 204 / Gaynell Stone, ed. Native Forts of the Long Island Sound Area by John A. Strong - 206 / Gary Lawrance and Anne Surchin. Houses of the Hamptons,1880-1930 Paul J. Mateyunas. North Shore Long Island: Country Houses, 1890-1950 by Natalie A. Naylor - 210 / REVIEW ESSAY: The Indians and the Dutch: Encounters on the Forgotten Frontier by John A. Strong - 214 / OBSERVATIONS: Who are We?: A Demographic Update for Nassau and Suffolk Counties by Seth Forman - 222 / BOOK NOTES: prepared by Kristen J. Nyitray - 238 / PLACE NAMES: Babylon by Richard P. Harmond - 243
New York (N.Y.) -- History -- Revolution, 1775-1783 | Artist couples -- United States | Pollock, Jackson,1912-1956 -- Criticism and interpretation | Abstract expressionism -- United States | Hurricanes -- New York (State) -- Long Island | New England Hurricane, 1938 | Adelphi University | Higher education and state -- New York (State) -- History -- 20th century | Trucking -- History -- New York (State) | Williamsburg (New York, N.Y.) -- History | Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- History | Submarines (Ships) | Suspension bridges | Long Island (N.Y.) -- Statistics | Babylon (N.Y.) -- History | Krasner, Lee,1908-1984 -- Criticism and interpretation | Artists -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History, Military | Disaster relief -- New York (State) -- Long Island
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
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The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 20, Numbers 1-2 (Fall 2007/Spring 2008)" (2008). Long Island Historical Journal. 5.