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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History
Wunderlich, Roger | Forman, Seth,Howlett, Charles F. | Gatti, Stacey Horstmann | Naylor, Natalie A. | Hargrave, Louisa Thomas | Kass, Sean | Weigand, Philip A. | Shackelford, Ruth | Kastner, Justin | Powell, Douglas | Ackelson, Jason | Crowley, Terry | Huff, Karen | Koppelman, Lee E. | Forman, Seth | Milford, T. A.,1970- | Greenspan, Walter | Jakim, Alyssa | Tashman, Brian | Strong, John A., 1935- | Siminoff, Faren Rhea | Wilbur, Garry A. | Taylor, Durahn | Cumberpatch, Prudence D. | MacArthur, Caroline | Cash, Floris Loretta Barnett | Sandford, Ann H. | Ruff, Joshua | Miller, Wilbur R., 1944- | Day, Lynda Rose, 1953- | Hunt, Harrison | Cohalan, Peter F.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - FEATURE ARTICLES: Long Island’s 106th Rescue Wing: The History of America’s Oldest National Guard Unit by Charles F. Howlett - 1 / Thinking Globally, Acting Locally: The Women of the Setauket Library Club, 1896-1924 by Stacey Horstmann Gatti - 16 / The Legacy of New Deal Art on Long Island by Natalie A. Naylor - 41 / Excerpt from “The Vineyard: The Pleasures and Perils of Creating an American Family Winery” by Louisa Thomas Hargrave - 71 / The Promotion of Long Island by The Long Island Rail Road, 1900-1930 by Sean Kass - 80 / How Advanced were Long Island’s Native Americans? A Challenge to the Traditional View by Philip C. Weigand - 101 / Early Child Welfare in Nassau County by Ruth Shackelford - 119 / Lessons from Long Island: Public Health Science and Agricultural Trade by Justin Kastner, Douglas Powell, Jason Ackelson, Terry Crowley, and Karen Huff - 151 / OBSERVATIONS: The State Of Long Island? by Lee E. Koppelman and Seth Forman - 168 / LONG ISLAND PLACE NAMES: The Counties: Kings, Queens, Suffolk, and Nassau by T. A. Milford - 185 / You’re Not Where You Think You Are: Long Island Place Names and Postal Zones by Walter Greenspan - 189 / SECONDARY SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST: Jackson Pollock in East Hampton: Splattering the Art World by Alyssa Jakim - 194 / The Struggle for Religious Liberty in Flushing by Brian Tashman - 205 / DEBATE: John Strong vs. Faren R. Siminoff Review of Faren R. Siminoff. Crossing the Sound: The Rise of Atlantic American Communities in Seventeenth Century Long Island - 214 / Response from Siminoff - 222 / BOOKS AND CULTURE: REVIEWS: Ron Ross. Bummy Davis vs. Murder Inc.: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Mafia and an Ill-Fated Prizefighter by Gary Wilbur - 227 / Thelma Jackson. African Americans in Northport: An Untold Story by Durahn Taylor - 229 / Floris Barnett Cash. African American Women and Social Action: The Clubwomen and Volunteerism from Jim Crow to the New Deal by Prudence D. Cumberpatch - 231 / Antonia Booth and Thomas Monsell. Images of America: Greenport. Geoffrey Fleming. Images of America: Southoldz by Caroline MacArthur - 236 / Belle Barstow. Setauket, Alias Brookhaven: The Birth of a Long Island Town with Chronological Records 1655-1679 by John Strong - 237 / Three Village Historical Society. Images of America. Stony Brook by Floris Cash - 241 / Steven Petrow, with Richard Barons. The Lost Hamptons by Ann Sandford - 243 / Vincent Seyfried. The Rockaway Trolley: The Story of the Ocean Electric Railway, 1886 to 1928. Vincent Seyfried and William Asadorian. Old Rockaway, New York in Early Photographs by Natalie A. Naylor - 245 / Joel T. Rosenthal. From the Ground Up: A History of the State University of New York at Stony Brook by Joshua M. Ruff - 247 / Donald M. Bayles. The Civil War Letters of Albert and Edward Bayles, and the History of Their Regiment, the 139th by Wilbur R. Miller - 251 / Joshua Stoff. Images of America: Long Island Aircraft Crashes, 1909-1959. Giacinta Bradley Koontz, The Harriet Quimby Scrapbook: The Life of America’s First Birdwoman, 1875-1912 by Natalie A. Naylor - 252 / Helen A. Harrison and Constance Ayers Denne. Hamptons Bohemia: Two Centuries of Artists and Writers on the Beach by Stacey Horstmann Gatti - 254 / Running Scared, Running Free. Ward Melville Cultural Organization’s Educational and Cultural Center, Stony Brook, New York (February 15 – March 31, 2005) by Lynda R. Day - 260 / Eye of the Storm: The Civil War Drawings of Robert Sneden. Virginia Historical Society. Long Island display developed by Joshua Ruff, History Curator, Long Island Museum of American Art, History and Carriages,1200 Rte. 25A,Stony Brook New York (February 19 – May 30, 2005) by Harrison Hunt - 262 / IN MEMORIAM: Robert David Lion Gardiner (1911-2004) by Honorable Peter Fox Cohalan for the Editors - 265 / Kendall A. Birr (1924-2004) by Chuck F. Howlett for the Editors - 269
Birr, Kendall A.,1924-2004 | Gardiner, David Lion, 1911-2004 | Frontier and pioneer life -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Indians of North America -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- Social conditions -- 17th century | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History -- 17th century | Flushing (New York, N.Y.) -- History | New York (N.Y.) -- Religion | Artists -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Pollock, Jackson,1912-1956 -- Criticism and interpretation | Postal service -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Names, Geographical -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Libraries -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History, Military
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 17, Numbers 1-2 (Fall 2004/Spring 2005)" (2005). Long Island Historical Journal. 3.