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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History
Forman, Seth,Strong, John A., 1935- | Howlett, Charles F. | Harris, Bradley L. | Flack, James Kirkpatrick,1937- | Douglas, Leroy E. | Woulfin, Dan | Breschard, Jayme | Longmire, Stephen | Fauss, Eric | Harmond, Richard P. | Weigold, Marilyn E. | Staudt, John G. | Wilbur, Garry A. | Naylor, Natalie A. | Kelly, Barbara M. | Welch, Richard F. | Hamilton, Marsha L., 1961- | Simon, Donald E. | Cash, Floris Loretta Barnett | Sloam, Myrna | Sandford, Ann H. | Kroessler, Jeffrey A. | Russell, Barbara M. | Nyitray, Kristen J.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - FEATURE ARTICLES: The Autonomous Commonwealth: Southampton, 1640-1644 by John A. Strong - 1 / The Garden City Hotel and the Modern American Peace Movement by Charles F. Howlett - 20 / Deepwells: A Crown Jewel in St. James by Bradley L. Harris - 44 / The Dimon Family: Bridgehampton Historiography and its Focus on Ordinary People by J. Kirkpatrick Flack - 64 / The Origins of Adelphi Suffolk College: The Sayville and Southampton Initiatives, 1957-1958 by Leroy E. Douglas - 81 / Building Student Power: A History of NYPIRG at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1974-1992 by Dan Woulfin - 98 / Early Disaster Mitigation Policy on Long Island’s South Shore by Jayme Breschard - 121 / Hubbard Latham Fordham: Keeping an Eye on Sag Harbor by Stephen Longmire -138 / The Postsuburban Development of Riverhead, Long Island: 1970 - 2000 by Eric Fauss - 145 / REFLECTIONS: The Peconic River by Richard P. Harmond - 164 / LONG ISLAND PLACE NAMES: Shelter Island: An Island Sheltered by Islands by Patricia and Edward Shillenburg - 167 / PRIMARY SOURCE: Conference on the Future of Nassau and Western Suffolk: Introductory Remarks, Robert - 172 / BOOKS AND CULTURE - REVIEWS: Ann Sandford. Grandfather Lived Here: The Transformation of Bridgehampton, New York 1870-1970 by Marilyn E. Weigold - 182 / Newsday, Inc. Newsday’s Guide to Long Island's Natural World by John G. Staudt - 183 / Leonard Benardo and Jennifer Weiss. Brooklyn By Name: How the Neighborhoods, Streets, Parks, Bridges, and More Got Their Names by Garry Wilbur - 186 / Hilary Ballon and Kenneth T. Jackson, eds. Robert Moses and the Modern City: The Transformation of New York by Natalie A. Naylor - 188 / Living the American Dream: Levittown and the Suburban Boom. Long Island Museum, Stony Brook, New York by Barbara Kelly - 189 / Robert Moses and the Modern City: The Road to Recreation. Queens Museum, Queens, New York by Richard F. Welch - 192 / Harry W. Havemeyer. Fire Island’s Surf Hotel and other Hostelries on Fire Island’s Beaches in the Nineteenth-Century by Marsha Hamilton - 194 / Stephen L. Meyers. Lost Trolleys of Queens and Long Island. David Keller and Steven Lynch. Revisiting the Long Island Rail Road, 1925-1975 by Donald E. Simon - 196 / Joshua Stoff. Long Island Airports by Charles F. Howlett - 199 / Terry Wallace. Caroline M. Bell (1874-1970) and the Peconic Bay Impressionists by Natalie A. Naylor - 201 / Robert G. Müller, Long Island’s Lighthouses, Past and Present by Natalie A. Naylor - 203 / Three Village Historical Society. The Setaukets, Old Field, and Poquott by Charles F. Howlett - 206 / William J. Switala. Underground Railroad in New York and New Jersey by Floris Barnett Cash - 208 / Raymond E. and Judith A. Spinzia. Long Island’s Prominent North Shore Families: Their Estates and Their Country Homes by Myrna Sloam - 210 / Mary Cummings. Hurricane in the Hamptons, 1938 by Ann H. Sandford - 212 / Alexander Rose. Washington’s Spies: The Story of America’s First Spy Ring by Richard F. Welch - 214 / Pascal James Imperato. Tudor Village, The History of a Unique Community in Queens County by Donald E. Simon - 218 / James Driscoll. Flushing: 1880-1935 by Jeffrey A. Kroessler - 220 / Toby Selda. Simply “Father”: Life with Theodore Roosevelt as Seen Through the Eyes of His Children by Natalie A. Naylor - 222 / BOOK NOTES: prepared by Kristen J. Nyitray - 224 / IN MEMORIAM: David A. Overton (1925-2005) by Barbara M. Russell, for the Editors - 229
Moses, Robert,1888-1981 | Shelter Island (N.Y. : Town) -- History | Peconic River (N.Y.) | Riverhead (N.Y. : Town) -- History | Artists -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Disaster relief -- New York (State) -- Long Island | New York Public Interest Research Group | Stony Brook University -- History | Adelphi University | Bridgehampton (N.Y.) -- History | Saint James (N.Y.) -- History | Historic buildings -- New York (State) -- Saint James | Garden City (N.Y.) -- History | Hotels -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Southampton (N.Y. : Town) -- History | Sag Harbor (N.Y.) -- History
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 19, Numbers 1-2 (Fall 2006/Spring 2007)" (2007). Long Island Historical Journal. 28.