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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, Department of History
Wunderlich, Roger,Hargrave, Louisa Thomas | Strong, John A., 1935- | Wunderlich, Roger | Johnson, Deborah J. | Becker, Lloyd | Koppelman, Connie | Baxandall, Rosalyn, 1939-2015 | Ewen, Elizabeth | Braid, Bernice | Simon, Donald E. | Lampard, Eric E. | Miller, Wilbur R., 1944- | Welch, Richard F. | Katz, Ina | Seyfried, Vincent F. | Dunham, Peter | Rossano, Geoffrey Louis. | Beal, Thomas David
TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 1 / FEATURE ARTICLES: A History of Wine Grapes on Long Island by Louisa Hargrave - 3 / The Pigskin Book: Records of Native American Whalemen, 1696-1721 by John A. Strong - 17 / Scale Model of Liberty: The Thirteen Years of Modern Times (1851-1864) by Roger Wunderlich - 29 / Shepard A. Mount, A Long Island Artist by Deborah J. Johnson - 47 / Scenes of the Familiar, Emblems of the Eternal: Cultural Contexts of Shepard Alonzo Mount by Lloyd Becker - 58 / Back to Nature: The Tile Club in the Country by Connie Koppelman - 75 / Picture Windows: The Changing Role of Women in the Suburbs, 1945-2000 by Rosalyn Baxandall and Elizabeth Ewen - 89 / Public Spaces, Private Places: Images of Brooklyn by Bernice Braid - 109 / A Plan for All Seasons: The Design of Brooklyn's Prospect Park by Donald E. Simon - 121 / REVIEWS OF BOOKS: Barbara M. Kelly, ed. Long Island: the Suburban Experience. Barbara M. Kelly, ed. Suburbia Re-examined by Eric E. Lampard - 136 / Henry M. Christman, ed. Walt Whitman's New York, From Manhattan to Montauk by Wilbur R. Miller - 137 / T. H. Breen. Imagining the Past: East Hampton Histories by Richard Welch - 139 / Constance J. Terry, ed. In the Wake of Whales: The Whaling Journals of Captain Edwin Peter Brown 1841-1847 by Ina Katz - 142 / Ron Ziel. The Long Island Rail Road in Early Photographs by Vincent F. Seyfried - 143 / William E. Golder. Long Island’s First Inhabitants: Paleo-Archaic-Transitional Woodland: A 9,000-Year History of the Indian Occupation of Long Island by Peter Dunham - 144 / Alison Hain. A School in Time and Place. VHS by Geoffrey L. Rossano - 146 / EXHIBIT: “The Blessed Isle: Hal B. Fullerton and His Image of Long Island” by Thomas D. Beal - 148 / BOOK NOTES - 149
Vineyards -- New York (State) | Wineries -- New York (State) | Whaling | Indians of North America -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- Social conditions -- 17th century | Mount, Shepard Alonzo, 1804-1868 | Modern Times (Collective settlement) -- History | Tile Club (New York, N.Y.) | Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- History | Women -- New York (State) -- Suffolk County -- Social life and customs
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 03, Number 1 (Fall 1990)" (1990). Long Island Historical Journal. 26.