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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, Department of History


Wunderlich, Roger,Koppelman, Lee E. | Kamer, Pearl M. | MacKay, Robert B. | Allen, David Yehling | Witek, John Charles | Johnson, James P., 1937- | Cavaioli, Frank J. | Chorzempa, Chet | Hallock, Judith Lee,1940- | Dunne, W. M. P. (William Matthew Patrick), 1934- | Balliet, Barbara J. | Allen, David Y. | Samuels, Ellen R. | Ziel, Ron 1939-2016 | Ingui, William | Cohos, Elaine


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 145 / FEATURE ARTICLES: State of the Island - Anatomy of the Long Island Economy: Retrospective and Prospective by Lee E. Koppelman and Pearl M. Kamer - 146 / Long Island Country Houses and Their Architects: 1860-1940 by Robert B. MacKay - 168 / Long Island Triangulated: Nineteenth-Century Maps and Charts of the U.S. Coast Survey by David Yehling Allen - 191 / Bibles and Muskets: The Acculturation of East End Native Americans in the Eighteenth Century by John Charles Witek - 208 / Lewis Howard Latimer: The Career of a Black Inventor by James P. Johnson - 223 / Columbus and the Whitman Connection by Frank J. Cavaioli - 233 / The Fullertons and the Experimental Farms of the Long Island Railroad by Chet Chorzempa - 245 / The Role of the Community in Civil War Desertion by Judith Lee Hallock - 254 / REVIEWS: Richard F. Welch. An Island’s Trade: Nineteenth-Century Shipbuilding on Long Island by W.M.P. Dunne - 266 / Esther Newton. Cherry Grove, Fire Island. Sixty Years in America’s First Gay and Lesbian Town by Barbara Balliet - 268 / John H. Long, ed., Kathryn Ford Thome, comp. Atlas of Historical County Boundaries by David Yehling Allen - 272 / John Esten with Rose Bennett Gilbert, photographs by Susan Wood. Hampton Style: Houses, Gardens, Artists by Ellen R. Samuels - 273 / Salvatore J. LaGumina. New York at Mid-Century: The Impelliteri Years by Frank J. Cavaioli - 275 / Eleanor F. Ferguson, edited by Anne Nauman. My Long Island: Growing up on Hal B. Fullerton’s Blessed Isle, 1902-1942 by Ron Ziel - 277 / Elly Shodell. Cross Currents: Baymen, Yachtsmen and Long Island Waters, 1830s-1990s by W.M.P. Dunne - 278 / Janet Perin and Charles F. Howlett. A Walk Through History: A Community Named Amityville by William Ingui - 279 / EXHIBITION REVIEW: Nineteenth-Century Long Island Lithographs: A Mirror of the Middle Class by Elaine Cohos - 281 / BOOK NOTES - 283 / COMMUNICATIONS - 284



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Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 06, Number 2 (Spring 1994)
