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Stony Brook University, Department of History, Stony Brook, NY


Wunderlich, Roger,Harrison, Helen A. (Helen Amy) | Crease, Robert P. | Strong, Lara M. | Karabag, Selcuk | Hefner, Robert J. | Koppelman, Lee E. | McKune, Amy | Rossano, Geoffrey Louis. | Cucchiara, Anthony M. | Roff, Sandra | Strong, John A., 1935- | Miller, Wilbur R., 1944- | Boody, Peter B. | Austen, Barbara E. | Krieg, Joann P. | Traynor, Carol A. | Simon, Donald E. | Turano, Francis | Beal, Thomas David


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 153 / FEATURE ARTICLES: On the Floor by Helen A. Harrison - 155 / The History of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Part One: The Graphite Reactor and the Cosmotron by Robert P. Crease - 167 / Quashawam: Sunksquaw of the Montauk by Lara M. Strong and Selcuk Karabag - 187 / Montauk Point Lighthouse: A History of New York’s First Seamark by Robert J. Hefner - 203 / Maglev by Lee E. Koppelman - 215 / American Quilting, 1780-1990 by Amy McKune - 223 / Long Island Goes to the Auto Races: The Great Vanderbilt Cup Controversy of 1904 by Geoffrey L. Rossano - 229 / The Pratt Experiment: The Early Years of the Library School by Anthony Cucchiara and Sandra Roff - 244 / LOST AND FOUND: by John A. Strong and Wilbur R. Miller - 253 / REVIEWS OF BOOKS: Robert F. Keeler. Newsday: A Candid History of the Respectable Tabloid by Peter B. Boody - 260 / One Hundred Years Old Today: Anniversary Edition, the Easthampton Star by Barbara E. Austen - 265 / Dennis Berthold and Kenneth Price, eds. Dear Brother Walt: The Letters of Thomas Jefferson Whitman by Joann P. Krieg - 271 / Jeffrey A. Kroessler and Nina S. Rappaport. Historic Preservation in Queens by Carol A. Traynor - 272 / Mary Field and Van Field. The Illustrated History of the Moriches Bay Area by Donald E. Simon - 274 / Nicholas Langhart, et al. Houses of Southold; the First 350 Years by Frank Turano - 276 / EXHIBIT REVIEW: Edward Lange Revisited by Thomas D. Beal - 278 / BOOK AND EXHIBIT NOTES - 278



Pollock, Jackson,1912-1956 -- Criticism and interpretation | Brookhaven National Laboratory -- History -- 20th century | Montauk Indians -- History | Montauk Point Lighthouse (N.Y.) | Transportation -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Quilting | Vanderbilt Cup Race -- History | Automobile racing -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- History | Pratt Institute


Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.







Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 03, Number 2 (Spring 1991)
