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Stony Brook, NY, Stony Brook University, Department of History


Wunderlich, Roger,Naylor, Natalie A. | Crease, Robert P. | Gombieski, Jane S. | Sterngass, Jane A. | Krieg, Joann P. | Spinzia, Raymond E. | Harmond, Richard P. | Plank, Raymond | Keller, Mollie | Maresca, Thomas | Hewlett, John A. | Beal, Thomas David | Howlett, Charles F. | Ayres, William


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 1 / FEATURE ARTICLES: Long Island’s Mrs. Tippecanoe and Mrs. Tyler Two by Natalie A. Naylor - 2 / History of Brookhaven National Laboratory, Part Three: Little Science, Big Science by Robert P. Crease - 17 / Kleagles, Klokards, Kludds, and Kluxers: The Klan in Suffolk County, 1915-1928, Part One by Jane S. Gombieski - 41 / “You May Take Watts, But You'll Never Take New Lots”: Racial Succession and the East New York Riot Of 1966 by Jon Sterngass - 63 / Walt Whitman in the Public Domain: A Tale of Two Houses by Joann P. Krieg - 83 / In Her Wake: The Story of Alva Smith Vanderbilt Belmont by Raymond E. Spinzia - 96 / Recent Articles on Long Island History by Natalie A. Naylor - 106 / LOST AND FOUND: ONE - High-Living on the Great South Bay: Schuyler Livingston Parsons, Untold Friendships by Richard P. Harmond - 121 / LOST AND FOUND: TWO - Charles Hanson Towne: Loafing Down Long Island by Raymond Plank - 125 / REVIEWS: Barbara M. Kelly. Expanding the American Dream: Building and Rebuilding Levittown by Mollie Keller - 129 / Philip F. Palmedo and Edward Beltranmi. The Wines of Long Island: Birth of a Region. Photographs by Sara Matthews by Thomas Maresca - 131 / Natalie A. Naylor, Patricia Snyder and Melissa Patton. Long Island’s History and Cultural Heritage: An Integrative Curriculum Resource of Educators by John A. Hewlett - 133 / David McCullogh. The Great Bridge by Thomas D. Beal - 134 / William T. Lauder. Amityville History Revisited by Charles F. Howlett - 136 / EXHIBITION REVIEW: “Woven History: The Technology and Innovation of Long Island Coverlets, 1800-1850” by William Ayres - 138 / BOOK NOTES - 140 / COMMUNICATIONS - 141



Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.







Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 06, Number 1 (Fall 1993)
