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Stony Brook University, Department of History, Stony Brook, NY


Wunderlich, Roger,Burner, David | Caputo, Mitzi | Howlett, Charles F. | Hayes, Michael | McNamara, Patrick, 1968- | Buck, Sarah A. | Wheat, Jr., Maxwell Corydon | Fasasnella, R. Marc | Alford-Cooper, Finnegan, 1951- | Robinson, Michael J., 1964- | Kestler, Frances Roe | Weigold, Marilyn E. | Hewlett, John A. | Baker, Paul J. | Petrie, Donald A. | Burrows, Edwin G., 1943-. | Berden, Christopher | Naylor, Natalie A. | Dawkins, Nancy


TABLE OF CONTENTS - EDITORIAL COMMENT - 139 / FEATURE ARTICLES: A Life of Integrity: Hugh Gregg Cleland by David Burner - 140 / In Memoriam: Rufus Burford Langhans by Mitzi Caputo - 142 / Long Island Confronts the Vietnam War: A Review of the Antiwar Movement, Part One by Charles F. Howlett - 144 / General Nathaniel Woodhull and the Battle of Long Island by Michael Hayes - 166 / “By the Rude Storms of Faction Blown”: Thomas Jones, a Long Island Loyalist by Patrick J. McNamara - 178 / An Inspired Hoax: The Antebellum Reconstruction of an Eighteenth-Century Long Island Diary by Sarah Buck - 191 / My Grandfather Loved the Salt Marshes by Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr. - 205 / Robert Moses and the Making of Jones Beach State Park: Persistence and The Grand Design by R. Marc Fasanella - 207 / Commitment for a Lifetime: The Long Island Long-Term Marriage Survey by Finnegan Alford-Cooper - 220 / The Content and Significance of the Archives of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point by Michael J. Robinson - 235 / LOST AND FOUND: Faith Baldwin: America’s First Lady of Romantic Fiction by Frances R. Kestler - 243 / REVIEWS: Joshua Stoff. From Canoes to Cruisers: The Maritime Heritage of Long Island by Marilyn Weigold - 253 / Natalie A. Naylor, ed. The Roots and Heritage of Hempstead Town by John A. Hewlett - 254 / William T. Lauder and Charles F. Howlett. Amityville’s 1894 School House by Paul J. Baker - 256 / W.M.P. Dunne. Thomas F. McManus and the American Fishing Schooners by Donald A. Petrie - 258 / E. A. (Bud) Livingston. President Lincoln’s Third Largest City: Brooklyn and the Civil War by Edwin G. Burrows - 259 / Janice L. Schaefer. The History of Mastic Beach by Christopher Berdan - 259 / Edith Gaines. The Charity Society, 1794-1994: An Institution for the Use and Benefit of the Poor Among the Black People by Natalie A. Naylor - 261 / John Ellis Kordes. A. T. Stewart’s Garden City: A Documentary Film by Natalie A. Naylor - 262 / Hayward Cirker, ed. Life in Old New York Photo Postcards by Nancy Dawkins - 265 / COMMUNICATIONS - 266



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Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 07, Number 2 (Spring 1995)
