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Stony Brook University, Department of History, Stony Brook, NY
Wunderlich, Roger,Day, Lynda Rose, 1953- | Koppelman, Lee E. | Rushmore, Robert P. | Strong, John A., 1935- | Kantz, Barbara | Scarrow, Howard A. | Kroessler, Jeffrey A. | Charles, Mario | Roff, Sandra | Bowe, Whitney P. | Lindemann, Danielle | Van Hoff, Kempton B. | Johnson, Deborah J. | Kelly, Barbara M. | Hoenig, Carol | Weigold, Marilyn E. | Taff, Mark L. | Papa, Jim | Erk, Frank C. | Gordon, Edith L. | Smith, Edward | Stone, Gaynell
TABLE OF CONTENTS - FEATURE ARTICLES: Friends in the Spirit: African Americans and the Challenge to Quaker Liberalism, 1776-1915 by Lynda R. Day - 1 / Environment vs. Development: Groundwater and Land Use Planning in Nassau and Suffolk Counties by Lee E. Koppelman - 16 / “The Village of East-Hampton,” A Sketch by John Howard Payne edited with an Introduction and Notes by Robert P. Rushmore - 25 / Who Says the Montauk Tribe is Extinct? Judge Abel Blackmar’s Decision in Wyandank V. Benson (1909) by John A. Strong - 39 / Promises Kept: Empire State College on its Twenty-Fifth Anniversary by Barbara Kantz - 56 / Presidential Elections in the Twentieth Century: Patterns on Long Island by Howard A. Scarrow, assisted by Dawn Walsh - 71 / Who Has Done More? Vincent Seyfried and the Discovery of Queens History by Jeffrey A. Kroessler - 79 / Julia Pettee’s Year in Brooklyn at the Pratt Institute Library School: 1894-1895 by Mario Charles and Sandra Roff - 86 / SECONDARY SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST WINNERS: William Levitt: Businessman or Bigot? by Whitney P. Bowe - 97 / The Algonquians of Long Island as an Agrarian Society by Danielle Lindemann - 104 / A Sailboat for the Bay: The Narrasketuck and its Class by Kempton B. Van Hoff - 110 / REVIEWS: Robert B. MacKay, Anthony Baker and Carol A. Traynor, eds. Long Island Country Houses and Their Architects, 1860-1940 by Deborah J. Johnson - 116 / Lynne Matarrese. The History of Levittown, New York by Barbara Kelly - 118 / Margaret Lundrigan Ferrer and Tova Navarra. Levittown: The First 50 Years by Carol Hoenig - 119 / Mary Parker Buckles. Margins: A Naturalist Meets Long Island Sound by Marilyn Weigold - 121 / Claire Nicolas White. Stanford White: Letters to His Family by Mark L. Taff - 123 / Thomas McGonigle. Going to Patchogue by Jim Papa - 125 / Giacinta Bradley Koontz, ed. The Harriet Quimby Research Conference Journal, Volume Two-1996 by Frank Erk - 129 / George A. Raisglid. Uprooted: the Memoirs of a Holocaust Survivor by Edith Gordon - 130 / Ebenezer Miller; Margaret Davis Gass and Willis H. White, eds. Diary of Ebenezer Miller of Miller Place, Long Island, New York, 1762-1768 by Edward Smith - 133 / VIDEO REVIEW: Ziggy Attias and Ofer Cohen. Traveling the Distance by Gaynell Stone - 133 / BOOK NOTES - 134
African Americans -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- History | Land use -- New York (State) -- Long Island | East Hampton (N.Y.) -- History | Quakers -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- History | Indians of North America -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Education -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Historians -- New York (State) | Pratt Institute | Queens County (N.Y.) -- History | Demography – New York (State) – New York
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 10, Number 1 (Fall 1997)" (1997). Long Island Historical Journal. 14.