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Stony Brook University, The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, Stony Brook, NY
Wunderlich, Roger,Weigold, Marilyn E. | Ingram, Martin J. | Howlett, Charles F. | Harris, Bradley L. | Caro, Patricia T. | Kass, Sean | Marshall, Philip | Muchnik, Charlotte | Douglas, Leroy E. | Swanson, R. Lawrence (Robert Lawrence),1938- | Turano, Francis | Amondolia, Joseph | Naylor, Natalie A. | Booth, Antonia | Ball, Catherine | Merker, Rachel | DeRiggi, Mildred E. | Wilbur, Garry A. | Silver, Alan | Welch, Richard F. | Staudt, John G. | Becker, Ann Marie | Sandford, Ann H. | Nyitray, Kristen J.
TABLE OF CONTENTS - FEATURE ARTICLES: Steamboating Long Island Sound Style by Marilyn Weigold - 1 / Rescue over the Soviet Ambassador’s Residence by Martin J. Ingram With Introduction by Charles F. Howlett - 8 / The Actor’s Colony of St. James by Bradley Harris - 21 / The Blurring of the Queens-Nassau Border by Patricia T. Caro - 43 / Port Washington and Long Beach: Case Studies of Long Island’s First Wave of Suburbanization, 1900-1930 by Sean Kass - 54 / Lopped Trees: The Living Fences of Old Long Island by Philip Marshall - 67 / Elwood: Piecing Together History by Charlotte Muchnik - 81 / The Origins of Adelphi Suffolk College: The Port Jefferson and Stony Brook Initiatives, 1953-1956 by Leroy E. Douglas - 92 / William Sidney Mount: His Plans for the Stony Brook Harbor Area by R. Lawrence Swanson, Francis Turano, and Joseph Amondolia - 110 / REFLECTIONS: The Encyclopedia of New York State by Natalie A. Naylor - 123 / LONG ISLAND PLACE NAMES: Southold: What's in a Name? More Than You Think by Antonia Booth - 127 / BIBLIOGRAPHY: Long Island Scholarship: A Bibliography Of Dissertations And Theses, 2000 - 2006 by Kristen J. Nyitray - 133 / SECONDARY SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST: The Taint is in the Blood: Long Island and the Eugenics Movement by Rachel Merker – 143 / BOOKS AND CULTURE: REVIEWS: Marilyn Weigold. The Long Island Sound: A History of the People: Places and Environment by Mildred E. DeRiggi - 153 / Joseph S. Tiedemann and Eugene R. Fingerhut. The Other New York: The American Revolution Beyond New York City, 1763-1787 by Natalie A. Naylor - 155 / Nedda C. Allbray. Flatbush: The Heart of Brooklyn by Garry Wilbur - 158 / Slavery in New York, The New York Historical Society. Two part exhibit. Review of first part. October 7, 2005 by Alan Silver - 161 / Elizabeth Shepherd. Head-of-the-Harbor: A Journey through Time by Catherine Ball - 163 / Edward L. Dunbaugh. New England Steamship Company: Long Island Sound Night Boats in the Twentieth Century by Marilyn E. Weigold - 164 / Corey Dolgon. The End of the Hamptons. Scenes from the Class Struggle in America's Paradise by Richard F. Welch - 168 / Glen Williford and Leo Polaski. Images of America: Long Island’s Military History by John G. Staudt - 171 / James E. Haas. Conrad Poppenhusen, The Life of a German-American Industrial Pioneer by Bradley Harris - 173 / Michael Drinkard. Rebels, Turn Out Your Dead by Ann M. Becker - 179 / Mark Mills. Amagansett by Ann H. Sandford - 180 / BOOK NOTES: Prepared by Ann M. Becker - 181 / IN MEMORIAM: John Allen Gable (1943-2005) by John G. Staudt for the Editors - 182 / Barbara Ferris Van Liew (1911-2005) by Catherine Ball for the Editors - 184 / Alice H. Fiske (1917-2006) by Natalie A. Naylor for the Editors - 185 / LETTERS - 187
Steamboats | Transportation -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Artists -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Mount, William Sidney,1807-1868 | Education -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Elwood (N.Y.) -- History | Port Washington (N.Y.) -- History | Long Beach (N.Y.) -- History | Suburbs -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Fences | Long Island (N.Y.) -- Geography | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History, Military
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
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The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 18, Numbers 1-2 (Fall 2005/Spring 2006)" (2006). Long Island Historical Journal. 10.