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Stony Brook University, The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, Stony Brook, NY
Forman, Seth,Siminoff, Faren Rhea | Hamilton, Marsha L., 1961- | Koppelman, Lee E. | Howlett, Charles F. | Jensen, Bill | Forman, Seth | Barrett, Tim | Haas, James E. | Harmond, Richard P. | Strong, John A., 1935- | Tyler, Beverly C. | Winkler, Daniel | Vagnier, Crystal | Chabra, Vikram | Cella, Alexandra | Brandstadter, Rachel | Kelly, Barbara M. | Sandford, Ann H. | Weigold, Marilyn E. | Barons, Richard I. | Land, Michelle
TABLE OF CONTENTS - FEATURE ARTICLES: Crossing the Sound: The Rise of Atlantic American Communities on Eastern Long Island during the Seventeenth Century by Faren R. Siminoff - 1 / Shifting Sands: Long Island’s Barrier Beaches by Marsha L. Hamilton - 15 / Central Suffolk Pine Barrens Preservation - Part One by Lee E. Koppelman - 35 / Military Training at Camp Upton During The Great War: The Diary of Oscar I. Ostrow edited by Margery Cohen-Willard Introduction by Charles F. Howlett - 55 / A Brief History of the Nassau Hub: The Evolution of an “Old Line” Suburb by Bill Jensen and Seth Forman - 104 / A Long Island Yankee in King George’s Court: Elizabeth Sherman Lindsay and the 1939 British Royal Visit to the United States by Tim Barrett - 112 / Conrad Poppenhusen: A Biographical Sketch of the “Benefactor Of College Point” Emphasizing the Civil War Years by James E. Haas - 135 / LONG ISLAND PLACE NAMES: Introduction: American State Names by Richard P. Harmond - 145 / William Wallace Tooker by John A. Strong - 149 / LOST AND FOUND: William H. Moore’s History of St. George’s Church by Beverly C. Tyler - 153 / SECONDARY SCHOOL ESSAY CONTEST: Michael Glynn’s Theater: The Making of a Cultural Institution in Patchogue, New York by Daniel Winkler and Crystal Vagnier - 155 / Social and Spatial Mobility of Irish and German Immigrants in Brooklyn in the Late Nineteenth Century by Vikram Chabra - 160 / An Overview of Plum Island: History, Research, and Effects on Long Island by Alexandra Cella - 176 / The Home of an American Poet: The Story of Walt Whitman’s Birthplace by Rachel Brandstadter - 182 / BOOK REVIEWS: Natalie Aurucci Stiefle. Looking Back at Rocky Point: In the Shadow of the Radio Towers Vol. 1. Robert F. Sisler. Long Island’s Contribution to the Development of Radio & Television by Barbara Kelly - 190 / Marilee Foster. Dirt Under My Nails: An American Farmer and Her Changing Land by Ann Sandford - 192 / Louisa Thomas Hargrave. The Vineyard: The Pleasures and Perils of Creating an American Family Winery by Marilyn E. Weigold - 194 / Ann M. Becker. Images of America: Mount Sinai. Antonia Booth and Thomas Monsell. Images of America: Greenport. Geoffrey K. Fleming. Images of America: Bridgehampton by Richard I. Barons - 196 / Tom Andersen. This Fine Piece of Water: An Environmental History of Long Island Sound by Michelle Land - 200 / Sylvie Murray. The Progressive Housewife: Community Activism in Suburban Queens, 1945-1965 by Barbara Kelly - 203 / EDITOR’S NOTE AND LETTERS - 206
Whitman, Walt,1819-1892 | Huntington (N.Y.) -- Buildings, structures, etc. | Plum Island (N.Y.) | Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) -- History | Theaters -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Patchogue (N.Y.) -- History | Suffolk County (N.Y.) -- Church history | Tooker, William Wallace, 1848-1917 | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 | Poppenhusen, Conrad, -- 1818-1883 | Lindsay, Elizabeth Sherman Hoyt, -- 1855-1954 | Nassau County (N.Y.) -- History | Camp Upton (N.Y.) | Brookhaven (N.Y. : Town) -- Biography | Pine Barrens (Long Island, N.Y.) -- History | Beaches -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Frontier and pioneer life -- New York (State) -- Long Island | Indians of North America -- New York (State) -- Long Island -- Social conditions -- 17th century | Long Island (N.Y.) -- History -- 17th century | Long Island (N.Y.) -- Emigration and immigration
Stony Brook University. All rights reserved.
Recommended Citation
The Center for Regional Policy Studies and Department of History, Stony Brook University, Stony Brook NY, "Long Island Historical Journal, Volume 16, Numbers 1-2 (Fall 2003/Spring 2004)" (2004). Long Island Historical Journal. 1.