Number 1 (1986) Autumn
Front Matter
The Place(s) of the Subject
The Crisis of Subjectivity from Nietzsche to Heidegger
Gianni Vattimo
The Subject and Wonder
Aldo Gargani
Post-Political Styles
Mario Perniola
The Demise of the Revolutionary Imaginary?
Alessandro Dal Lago
The End of Thinking
Giorgio Agamben
Vico as Epochal Thinker
Ernesto Grassi
The Seductiveness of Literature
Giuseppe Sertoli
Harold Bloom between Tradition and Innovation
Aldo Tagliaferri
The New Sleep: Stasis and the Image-Bound Environment
Tricia Collins and Richard Milazzo
On the Methodics of Common Speech
Augusto Ponzio
On the Work of Anna Malfaiera
Giulia Niccolai
Logos and Transience in Franco Rella
John Paul Russo
An Interview with Franco Rella
John Paul Russo
Review Articles
Re-thinking Thought
Francis Wybrands
Beyond Croce and Gramsci?
Mark S. Roberts
Language and the Play of Differences
Robert E. Innis
Once Upon a Time in Italian Cinema
Joan Esposito
After Deconstruction
Rodger Friedman
Giuliano Della Casa: Repertory Miracles
Massimo Gualtieri
Book Reviews
Language as Work and Trade by F. Rossi-Landi
David M. Rasmussen
La Svolta Testaule by Maurizio Ferraris
Massimo Verdicchio
Signs Taken for Wonders by Franco Moretti
Luisa Villa
Back Matter

- Editor
- Peter Carravetta
- Editorial Committee
- Thomas J. Harrison
Joan Esposito
Frank Rosengarten - Assistant to the Editor
- Sophia Iordanidou
- Corresponding Editors
- Gianni Carchia (Italy)
Manfred Hardt (Germany)
Aurora F. Bernardini (Brazil)
José Jiménez (Spain)
Franco Ricci (Canada)
Gino Rizzo (Australia)
Elisabetta Sgarbi (Italy) - Advisory Board
- Giorgio Agamben
Remo Bodei
Tricia Collins
Haroldo de Campos
Sylvia Federici
Aldo Gargani
Nino Langiulli
Jean-François Lyotard
Allen Mandelbaum
Richard Milazzo
Giulia Niccolai
Martino Oberto
Aldo Scaglione
Paolo Valesio
Gianni Vattimo
Robert Viscusi
Hayden White