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v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Knafo, Danielle, “In Her Own Image: Self-Representation in the Art of Frida Kahlo and Ana Mendieta.” Busbea, Larry, “Please Seat Your-Self: A Witmicottian Reading of the Furniture Objects of Scott Burton.” Gedo, Mary Mathews, “Public Art/Private Iconography: Roger Brown’s Transformation of the Myth of Daedalus and Icarus.” Ferb, Lara, “Dialectic Negation and the Unrepresentable Object of Nihilism in the Painting of Sigma’ Polke.” Morowitz, Laura, “Anonymity, Artisitc Brotherhoods and the Art Market in the Fin de Siecle.” King, Elaine A., “The Post-Modem, Avant-Garde Enigma: Who and What is Killing Art?” Jaffee, Barbara, “In the Name of Peirce: Art Criticism and the October Circle.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)


Art Criticism, Volume 11, Number 2
