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v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Zheng, Jane, “A New Ladder Leading to Celebrity: The Shanghai Art School and the Modern Mechanism of Artistic Celebrity (1913-1937).” Zheng, Jane, “A Local Response to the National Ideal: Aesthetic Education in the Shanghai Art School (1913-1937).” Van Schepen, Randall K., “Greenberg Disciplining Greenberg.” Ries, Martin, “Gorky’s Centauromachia: Betrothal and Betrayal.” Modigliani, Leah, “Louis Vuitton and the Luxury Market After the End of Art.” Mahon, Eugene, “In the Company of Ghosts.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Recommended Citation
Department of Art, Stony Brook University, "Art Criticism, Volume 22, Number 1" (2007). Art Criticism. 22.