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v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Matthews, Palricia, “Feminist Art Criticism: Multiple Voices and Changing Paradigms.” MacDonald, Erik “Disseminating Cindy Sherman: The Body and the Photograph.” Hartoonian, Gevork, “Domino and Its Trajectory: Metamorphosis Deconstructed.” Borum, Jennifer Penrose, “Robert Pincus-Witten: The Critic as Dandy.” Bisanz, Rudolf M., “The Culture of Eros: A Frugal Guide to Sybaritic Art.”
Recommended Citation
Department of Art, Stony Brook University, "Art Criticism, Volume 5, Number 2" (1989). Art Criticism. 2.