Art Criticism, chronological index
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 25, Number 1 and 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Edwards, Maria, “The ‘Culture Industry’ and Commodification of Art.” MacKinnon, Valerie, “Sexuality and Originality in Picasso’s Creative Process: Two Prints Deconstructed.” Byrnes, Elyse, “Swallowing Hell: Expressions of War in Japan and West Germany 1940s-1980s.” de la Maza Chevesich, Josefina, “Introducing the World to Himself: Robert Rauschenberg and ROCI Chile.” Parkinson, Nick, “Speaking Directly: An Examination of Symbol and Communication in Allan Kaprow’s Happenings.” Sneed, Gillian, “From Happenings to Conversations: Allan Kaprow’s Legacy in Contemporary ‘Relational’ Art Practices.” Stack, Cliona, “The Leveling Up of Performance Art in the 20th Century.” Gilbert, Julie M., “A New Way of Approaching the Absolute through Art: The Sacred Mirrors of Alex Gray.” Bowditch, Lucy, “The Reluctant Muse: Images of ‘Lucy’ in Mark Greenwold’s Paintings.” Kosstrin, Hannah, “Passion and Angst: Postwar Identity in Two Dances by Anna Sokolow.” Shane, Robert R., “Looking and Moving: Kinesthetic Empathy, Dance and the Visual Arts.” Kuspit, Donald, “Lorraine Shemesh’s Dancers: The Figure as Grand Abstract Gesture.” Kuspit, Donald, “Falling Apart and Holding Together: Kandinsky’s Development.” Kuspit, Donald, “Review of Simon Schama, The Power of Art.” Ries, Martin, “Review of Matthew Spender, ed., Arshile Gorky, Goats on the Roof: A Life in Letters and Documents.”
Art Criticism, Volume 24, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Baskind, Samantha, “Imaging the Book: Jewish Artists and the Bible in Twentieth-Century America.” Bravo, Monica, “Aesthetic of Reception? A Jaussian Reading of The Family of Man.” Clarke, David, “Paths to Dissolution: Water and Abstract Art.” Grove, Jaleen, “Towards Illustration Theory: Harold Rosenberg, Robert Weaver, and the ‘Action Illustrator’?” Howell, Whitney, “From Destructive Infant to Restorative Mother: Tracing the Vulnerable Body in the Work of Louise Bourgeois.” Parker, Rachel C., “Understanding The End of Art as a Critique of Arthur Danto.” Soykan, Ömer N., “Arts and Languages: A Comparative Study.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 24, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Baigell, Matthew, “Contemporary Jewish American Art: A Short Review.” Mahon, Eugene, “The Ghost of Hamnet or Hamnet’s Last Act.” Cartwright, Lillian K., “Alfred Stieglitz and ‘291’: A Laboratory for Fostering Creativity.” Van Proyen, Mark, “Back to the Futurismo: Dromotude and the Ethical Unconscious of Contemporary Art.” Shane, Robert R., “Paul McCarthy’s Painter (1995) as Self-Portrait and Self Loathing.” Kuspit, Donald, “Aesthetic Transcendence and Transformation.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 23, Number 1/2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Kuspit, Donald, “A Critical History of 20th-Century Art.” Introduction: Twentieth Century Art: An Overview of Critical Opinion Chapter 1: New Forms for Old Feelings; The First Decade Chapter 2: Spiritualism And Nihilism; The Second Decade Chapter 3: Subjectivity and Society: The Third Decade Chapter 4: Aesthetics Against Barbarism; The Fourth Decade Chapter 5: Brave New World of American Abstract Art; The Fifth Decade Chapter 6: Mythic/Expressive Representation and Ruthless Abstraction: An Unresolvable Dialectic; The Sixth Decade Chapter 7: The Appeal of Popularity, Ideology and Theory: The Objectification of Art and the Abortive Protest of the Subject; The Seventh Decade Chapter 8: .Conflicting and Conflicted Identities: The Confusion of Self and Society; The Eighth Decade Chapter 9: Aspirational Aesthetics and Empathic Painting: The Search for Authenticity and the Rebellion Against Conceptual Pseudo-Art; The Ninth Decade Chapter 10: The Decadence Of Advanced Art And The Return Of Tradition and Beauty: The New as Tower of Conceptual Babel; The Tenth Decade :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 22, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Zheng, Jane, “A New Ladder Leading to Celebrity: The Shanghai Art School and the Modern Mechanism of Artistic Celebrity (1913-1937).” Zheng, Jane, “A Local Response to the National Ideal: Aesthetic Education in the Shanghai Art School (1913-1937).” Van Schepen, Randall K., “Greenberg Disciplining Greenberg.” Ries, Martin, “Gorky’s Centauromachia: Betrothal and Betrayal.” Modigliani, Leah, “Louis Vuitton and the Luxury Market After the End of Art.” Mahon, Eugene, “In the Company of Ghosts.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, chronological index
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Van Proyen, Mark, “Administrativisim and Its Discontents.” Introduction: Art in the Age of Cultural Tourism Chapter 1: Contemporary Art and the Administrative Sublime Chapter 2: Schizoid Administrativism Chapter 3: Critique of Cynical Criticism Chapter 4: Mutation Mutandas: Miming for Meaning Coda: The 2006 Whitney Biennial Notes
Art Criticism, Volume 21, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Ries, Martin, “John Hultberg’s Abstract Perspectivism.” Newton, Stephen J., “Ritual and The Creative Process: The Psychoanalysis of Trance-Formation.” Chapter 1: Early Years Chapter 2: Abstraction and Infinity Chapter 3: Encounter with Psychoanalysis Chapter 4: Mysticism and the Oceanic Chapter 5: Ritual and the Creative Process Chapter 6: Ritual and Iconography: The Later Years Conclusions Notes
Art Criticism, Volume 20, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Hee-Young, Kim, “The Tragic Hero: Harold Rosenberg’s Reading of Marx’s Drama of History.” Ries, Martin, “De Kooning’s Asheville and Zelda’s Immolation.” Hartoonian, Gevork, “The Crisis of the Object I.” Hartoonian, Gevork, “The Crisis of the Object II.” Baigell, Matthew, “What’s Jewish About Jewish Art: Some American Views.” Martin, William, “Game On: Videogames, Popular Culture and the Aestheticism of Interactivity.”
Art Criticism, Volume 20, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),O’Connor, Francis V., “Metaphoric Duality, Psychological Parity, and the Crisis of Interiority in 20th Century Art and Literature.” Poser, Steven, “The Life and Death of the Unconscious in Modern and Contemporary Art.” Kuspit, Donald, “From Max Ernst’s Oedipus Rex To Andy Warhol’s Marilyn Monroe, Or Why The Sphinx No Longer Has A Secret.” Mahon, Eugene, “A Mouthful of Air: A Freud Shakespeare Dialogue.” Van Scoy, Susan, “Robert Gober: From Reality to Restitution.” Plymate, Sarah, “Alter egos and hidden personas: A psychoanalytic critique of Roee Rosen/Justine Frank.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 19, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Cunningham, Joseph, “Another Way Out of the Cage: An Anti-theory for Epistemology and Art in the Charles Eliot Norton Lectures of John Cage.” Cunningham, Joseph, “’image and word, object and idea, inside and outside’: Excavating Robert Smithson’s Art from under His Writings.” Baigell, Matthew, “Newman’s The Stations of the Cross: Lema Sabachthani, A Jewish Take.” Ho Yu, Chong, “Aesthetics of Photography: Combining the Viewer’s and the Artist’s Standpoints.” Mahon, Eugene, “Freud –Vitruvius Dialogue.” Kuspit, Donald, “Approaching the Critic’s Psychology through the Artist’s Negative Representation of Him.” Kuspit, Donald, “Beat Sensibility: Verbal or Visual?” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 18, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Hartoonian, Gevork, “Gottfried Semper: the Structure of Theatricality” Lane, Rebecca, “Guilty Pleasures: Pipilotti Rist and the Psycho/Social Tropes of Video” Frederickson, Laurel, “Memory and Projection in Annette Messager’s Early Work” Price, Jeffrey, “The Dialectical Potato: Potato in Art, Art in Potato” Shane, Robert R., “Santa’s Fecal Gift: Psychoanalytic Perspectives on Paul McCarthy’s Santa’s Chocolate Shop” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 17, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Hultberg, John, “Breaking the Picture Plane: Reflections on Painting.” Bielski, Sarah, “The Femme Fatale as seen in the work of J.K. Huysmans, Felicien Rops and Aubrey Beardsley” Cullinane, Mary, “Guilt By Association: Gustave Moreau, The Unwilling Decadent” Mooney, Kempton, “Degeneration in World War II Germany” Oelrich, Kristen, “From Diagnoses to Decadence: A Brief History of Hysteria” Schwartz, Michael, “Recasting the Art History Survey: Ethics and Truth in the Classroom Community” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 16, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Yarowsky, Morris, “The Beauty Falacy: Dave Hickey’s Aesthetic Revisionism.” Fisher, Jean, “Storying Art (The Everyday Life of Tricky Practices).” Bennett, Ciaran, “Between the Tolka and the Dodder: A Personal View of Visual Art in Dublin.” Moody, Meredith, “Arlene Raven: Criticism as Healing for the Author, the Artist, and the Audience.” Walker, John A., “A Vexed Trans-Atlantic Relationship: Greenberg and the British.” Risatti, Howard, “Crafts and Fine Art: An Argument in Favor of Boundaries.” Kuspit, Donald, “Two Versions of Marisol, Overlapping and Underlapping.” Carl, Katherine A., “Re-Alignings?: Artmaking in the Southeastern European Environs of Manifesta 3.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 16, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Forgács, Eva, “Toys Are Us: Toys and the Childlike in Recent Art.” Peglau, Michael, “Jackson Pollock, Three Theoretical Sources, and Rosalind Krauss’s ‘Six.’” Newton, Stephen, “Why Women Can’t Paint.” Van Proyen, Mark, “Critique of Cynical Criticism.” Kuspit, Donald, “The Psychoanalytic Construction of Beauty.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 17, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Hultberg, John, “Breaking the Picture Plane: Reflections on Painting.” Bielski, Sarah, “The Femme Fatale as seen in the work of J.K. Huysmans, Felicien Rops and Aubrey Beardsley” Cullinane, Mary, “Guilt By Association: Gustave Moreau, The Unwilling Decadent” Mooney, Kempton, “Degeneration in World War II Germany” Oelrich, Kristen, “From Diagnoses to Decadence: A Brief History of Hysteria” Schwartz, Michael, “Recasting the Art History Survey: Ethics and Truth in the Classroom Community”
Art Criticism, Volume 14, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Ganis, William, “Critical Moments Introduction.” Wingate, Jennifer, “Romare Bearden.” Bryson, Greg, “Suzi Gablik.” Japel, Nathan, “Philip Guston.” Dean, Kelly, “Robert Irwin.” Barnett, Lisa, “Sally Mann.” Budzynski, Scott, “Malcom Morley.” Ganis, William, “Jules Olitski.” Ganis, William, “An Interview with Jules Olitski.” Paradis, Jason, “Larry Poons.” Paradis, Jason, “An Interview with Larry Poons.” Author Index Chronological Index General Subject Index :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 14, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Cohalan, Mary Lou and William V. Ganis, “Abstract Painting in the ‘90s.” Godeke, Jason, Nathan Japel, and Sandra Skurvidaite, “Figurative Painting in the ‘90s.” Winkenweder, Brian, “Pitching Charrettes: Architectural Experimentation in the ‘90s.” Somers, Lynn with Bluewater Avery and Jason Paradis, “From Corporeal Bodies to Mechanical Machines: Navigating the Spectacle of American Installation in the ‘90s.” Carl, Katherine, Stewart Kendall, and Kirsten Swenson, “Video Art in the ‘90s.” Brown, Kristen and Nina Salvatore, “Trends in Computer and Technological Art.”
Art Criticism, Volume 15, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Devine, Dan, “Historical Misrepresentation at the Guggenheim-B.M.W. The Art of the Motorcycle Exhibition” Burton, Johanna, “British Installation of the ‘90s (Self-Deprecating Strategies)” Smalls, James, “The African-American Self-Portrait: A Crisis in Identity and Modernity” Biro, Matthew, “Allegorical Modernism: Carl Einstein on Otto Dix” Kuspit, Donald, “Ironied Out And The New Old Masterism” Kuspit, Donald, “The Mentality Of Charles Burchfield” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 15, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Verstegen, Ian, “Bernard Berenson and the Science of Anti-Modernism” Raverty, Dennis, “Kaprow’s Strategy” Kuspit, Donald, “Humoring The Holocaust: An Italian Film Folly” Miller, Keith, “Journalistic Criticism: Popular Entertainment or Populist Critique?” Jones, Peter, “Uncanny Koons” Van Proyen, Mark, “Schizoid Administrativism” Kuspit, Donald, “Gerda Meyer-Bernstein, Witness To Inhumanity” Kuspit, Donald, “Rudolf Baranik: An Overview”
Art Criticism, Volume 13, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Graziani, Ron, “Robert Smithson: An Esthetic Foreman in the Mining Industry (Part Two).” Volkmar, Karl F., “A Natural Order: Observation and the Four Seasons.” Regester, Charlene, “The Reading of a Still: The Evocation of Death in Dorothy Dandridge’s Photograph.” Karoll, Elizabeth, “Francesco Clemente and a Memory of his Childhood.” Emmer, C.E., “Kitsch Against Modernity.” Mauzerall, Hope, “What’s the Matter with Matter? Problems in the Criticism of Greenberg, Fried, and Krauss.” Laughlin, Tricia, “Tamara de Lempicka’s Women.” Kuspit, Donald, “Using Art To Laugh Oneself Sick: Two Examples Of Punning in Early Avant-Garde Art.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 13, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Knafo, Danielle, “The Dead Mother in Kathe Kollwitz.” Newton, Stephen J., “Guilt in Painting.” Carl, Katherine, “Uprootedness and Reception in the Photographs of Josef Koudelka.” Baigell, Matthew, “American Art around 1960 and the Loss of Self.” Cohalan, Mary Lou, “Reinventing the Avant-Garde: A Stylistic Analysis of Selected Essays of Jacques Derrida.” Shanken, Edward A., “Le Coq, C’est Moi!’” Brancusi’s Pasarea Maiastra: Nationalistic Self-Portrait?” Winkenweder, Brian, “Art History, Sartre and Identity in Rosenberg’s America.” Grauer, Victor A., “Passage from Realism to Cubism: The Subversion of Pictorial Semiosis.”
Art Criticism, Volume 12, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979) :: Golub, Adrienne M., “Towards A Newer Critique—The Missing Link: The Influence of T.S. Eliot’s Ultra-Conservative Criticism on Clement Greenberg’s Early Rhetoric and Themes.” Raskin, David, “Golub and Kosuth: Whose Expressionism?” Jusidman, Yishai, “Un-Ending Yad-Vashem: Some Notes Towards an Aesthetics of Monuments and Memorials.” Caranfa, Angelo, “The Inner Life in Claudel’s Art Criticism.” Bisanz, Rudolph M., “Hermeneutics and Art: From Schleiermacher to Derrida: On the Trail of the ‘True Meaning’ of the Work.” Nechvetal, Joseph, “Machine Art: From Mechanical Repetition Into Electronic Flicker.” Siedell, Daniel A., “Kline Contra Kline.” Brzyski-Long, Anna, “Retracing the Modernist Origins: Conceptual Parallels in the Aesthetic Thought of Charles Baudelaire and G.W.F. Hegel.”
Art Criticism, Volume 12, Number 2
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Bradford, Thomasine, “Room 16.” Thill, Robert, “The Scream Giant Inflatable.” Cohen, David, “In Search of Kitaj.” Melchiorme, Kevin, “Rethinking Site-Specificity: Some Critical and Philosophical Problems.” Budick, Ariella, “Factory Seconds: Diane Arbus and the Imperfections in Mass Culture.” Leuthold, Stephen M., “Genre-lizing About Realism.” Raskin, David, “Adorno’s Subject and Social: An Exegetical Study.” Cutler, Jody, “Manet to Manet and Back Again: Modern Painting According to Michael Fried.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
Art Criticism, Volume 11, Number 1
Department of Art, Stony Brook University
v. : ill. ; 22 cm (original analog pub.),Grauer, Victor A., “Mondrian and the Dialectic of Essence.” Jones, Peter, “Bacon and Bataille.” Huhn, Tom, and Marsh, Georgia, “(A) History of New Abstract Painting: Toward a Theory of Domestic Abstraction.” McEvilley, Thomas, “The Tomb of the Zombie: AICA 1994.” Morgan, Robert C., “The End of the (Art) World.” King, James Roy, “Aesthetic Awareness in the Work of Rebecca West.” Kuspit, Donald, “Author’s Comments on The Cult of the Avant-Garde Artist.” Knafo, Danielle, “The Cult of the Avant-Garde Artist by Donald Kuspit.” Wadlington, Will, “The Death of Art: Review of Donald Kuspit’s The Cult of the Avant Garde Artist.” :: If Art Criticism meets some of its editors’ hopes for it, we shall be able to claim the appearance of some art criticism, with subjects arising from the writers’ or editors’ decisions, rather than the art market’s. Articles on individual critics and on current groups and tendencies will lead towards the adequate history of art criticism so badly needed in relation to art and in relation to the literature of other disciplines. (L.A., D.B.K., Spring 1979)
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